The REAL Hawaii Roadrunner Network Status Page


E-Mail Response: 3hrs 40 min.

After this website exposes the 1 hour E-Mail Tech Support deception, a reply is received from - on the mainland in just under 4 hours - a new personal record response time!. OK: Oceanic isn't there 24hrs a day - they have an answering machine. If all or part of the system goes down, and you seek e-mail support, it goes to Virginia which needs to contact the local Hawaii people who aren't there!

And why does the tag line give the phone number for Oceanic Cable TV SALES for TV & Road Runner instead of the Oceanic Road Runner Support Number (625-8212)? And why are the hours on the tag line 6:30AM-11:00PM, but the message at support indicates 8AM? And if the tag line has holiday hours, why are they closed on holidays like Christmas? The answer is obvious: this is a Looney Tunes operation.

I've got to hand it to this guy though (they never sign any names with their response) - he was sharp enough to include the phone number to my local office - this is the first e-mail response I've received from that included anything other than the toll-call numbers that will in turn tell you to call other toll numbers! So, I guess I'm supposed to call them about the ongoing problems making the service slower than a modem, going off and coming back, etc.?

Report for []    | -?Herndon, VA 20171  | ServiceCo LLC - Road Runner 

From: "Road Runner Technical Support" <>
Wed, 10 Jan 2001 09:20:13 -1000

Thank you for writing.
The non-connectivity issue was reported and the local network engineers have restored your internet connectivity to roadrunner.  If you continue to have difficulty with your roadrunner connection please contact your local affiliate office at 329-2418.

If you have any future questions or problems, please feel free to E-mail us
again or contact our Technical Support line for further assistance.  When
replying to this address, please include this message as well as all
previous correspondence regarding this issue.
Thank you for using Road Runner.
Road Runner Technical Support Hawaii
Telephone number: (808) 625-8200
Business hours:
Mon - Fri     6:30 AM - 11:00 PM
Sat/Sun       8:00 AM - 11:00 PM
Holidays      8:00 AM -  7:00 PM
Contact Us:   <>
Online Help Desk:       <>
Interactive Help Pages: <>
Network Status: <>
ROAD RUNNER HAWAII - The Internet When You Want It. (As long as that's between 8AM and 11PM.)

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