The REAL Hawaii Roadrunner Network Status Page

Advertisements - West Hawaii Today

Left - West Hawaii Today Jan 9; Right - Jan 7, 2001

The previous page shows how Roadrunner can cut off access to content by the very advertisement run 7-Jan-01 in West Hawaii Today with missing text. On Tuesday, 9-Jan-01, the same Roadrunner ad was run, with the missing portions of 7-Jan intact, but with a new missing portion! Apparently, Roadrunner comes through - only part of the way - again.

West Hawaii Today offices are just blocks from Oceanic Affiliate Sun Cablevision. Perhaps they need to hand-carry the copy to the paper. You can't depend upon Roadrunner to operate properly to sites near or far.

Close up - Roadrunner ad 9-Jan-01, West Hawaii Today.

David R. Letterdrop writes:

Hi. Nice job. I'm a Roads Skoller and a local media personality from Kakaako. The West Hawaii Today ads have been the talk of the station here. I've put together a list of the Top 10 Reasons Why the Road Runner ads can't appear without holes in the newspaper. Only thing is, the management is too fond of Time-Warner money to allow me to air it, so here it is. Use it if you want. Don't give up the fight. We're tooting for you! Beep! Beep!

Yours truly,
David R. Letterdrop, CRRC (Certified Road Runner Comedian)


10. Everything is normal. There are no holes. If you see holes, it must be a problem on your end. We suggest you start by checking the 'okole end first.

9. No one else has the whole problem you are reporting. This is the first we heard of this. Are you sure there really are holes? Please check your eyesight, and let us know if you still have a problem.

8. No one else has reported this problem. You are the only one. It must be a problem at your end.

7. This is the first we heard of this. No one else has reported any problem. When was the last time you had an eye exam?

6. It's a conspiracy.... or, it could possibly be the work of a Lone Hacker.

5. It's West Hawaii Today's subtle way to keep taking Time-Warner money while letting readers know the service is full of holes.

4. It's Road Runner's idea to avoid liability for deceptive practices by informing readers of its shortcomings with holes in its ads.

3. The people at West Hawaii Today are so used to gaps in Road Runner, they never noticed.

2. The Advertising Manager at Road Runner is so used to gaps in the service, she never noticed.

1. This is the first we heard of this. No one else has reported a problem. Really. What's the big deal, anyway? What goes in isn't what comes out with Road Runner. All the Akamai people know that already.

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